Monday, May 16, 2011

hello again :)

Man, I'm running out of creative titles, lol!  (And, first sentences!)

Anyways, things are going just dandy down here in Houston.  I had a very nice Mother's Day.  Kenzie and Aydan both made me homemade cards and gifts, which I love!  They are so precious!  I also got a rose :)  Kenzie was such a helper, cleaning up the house for me and doing it all with a smile on her face.  She also made me breakfast in bed.  But speaking of homemade cards, I never know how long to keep them?  Or, where to put them if I do decide to keep them?  I just hate throwing them away, but if I kept every single piece of artwork I've ever recieved, we'd be buried in paper!  I've been keeping a few things from each of them and what I don't keep, I will throw away after a few weeks of it laying around.  I ready an article online about how you can take pictures of the items before throwing them away to at least be able to remember it later on.  I need to figure out something because both kids bring home lots of papers and artwork from school on a regular basis.  I think I'm just gonna get a small tote or box to store some of what I would like to keep.

I tried to organize the kids' closet over the weekend too.  They have so many toys with little pieces that end up everywhere and pieces go missing and it just drives me nuts!!  I bought some shoe box sized totes with lids and a few other baskets for them.  Kenzie put her Littlest Pest Shop and Zooble animals in them, along with Barbies and all her accessories (who by the way has a bigger wardrobe than I do!).  We put all of Aydan's Hot Wheels cars in another.  Now that their smaller toys have a place, there's no excuse for them not to be put away correctly (well, at least thats the goal).  Its just amazing how fast you can accumulate stuff!  Our apartment is quickly filling up, which actually can be a good thing, considering we moved here with only 2 carloads of stuff to our name.

Over the weekend, Kenzie and I had some mother-daughter time shopping at the mall.  She got a gift card to a store in the mall for her birthday and has been dying to go use it.  Actually, I think she was more excited about getting a root beer float at the food court than anything else! lol!  I love being able to spend one-on-one time with her.  We don't get to do it very often!  While we were gone, the boys (Danny and Aydan) went fishing off the dock behind our apartment.  Unfortunately, they didn't catch anything though.

On a different note, its hard to believe that there's only a little over 2 weeks left of school this year!  Kenzie is ready for summer break.  In fact, so am I.  It will make my mornings a little easier.  I will only have to make one stop in the morning instead of 2 ;)  Everythings just more relaxed during the summer, especially the evenings.  As of now, we don't have any summer vacations planned.  We're trying to save our money since we'll be going to Illinois next Spring for my brothers wedding, and all of us are in the wedding. It would be nice though to maybe do a short weekend trip somewhere.  I really would like to visit San Antonio sometime, which I think is like a 3 1/2 - 4 hour drive from us. 

Well, I guess thats all I can think of at the moment.  Have a  great week! :)

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