We had planned over the weekend that we would go to the Houston Zoo, as long as the weather was going to be decent. So we got ready in the morning, got Kenzie off to school and Aydan off to daycare and headed to the zoo. We actually drove to the park and ride for the metro rail and rode the metro up to the zoo, which is near downtown and the museum district in Houston.
The weather started off cloudy and we did get rained on a little bit when we first got there but luckily we brought an umbrella. The rain didn't last too long, then the sun came out and it warmed up a lot.
On certain holidays, the zoo has free admittance and Columbus Day is one of those holidays so there were quite a bit of people there for a Monday.
While we were walking around we saw everyone that had brought their kids and in a way I felt bad that we had gone without them but it was also so peaceful and easy by ourselves. We didn't have to have a stoller and diaper bag and snacks and drinks and extra clothes and sippy cups, the list goes on and on. There was no fighting with them to stop climbing, running, and yelling. We didn't have to worry about Aydan getting wore out and wanting held or Kenzie needing to use the bathroom every 10 minutes.
Anyway, here are a few pictures we got while we were there.
Sea otters
Some sort of monkey with cool hair!
Checking out the giraffes.
More giraffes
Funny elephant, notice how his back legs are crossed! Just chillin'.
We didn't get to look at all the exhibits, we thought we'd save some excitement for when we come back with the kids sometime.
After the zoo we rode the metro to downtown and ate lunch at the tunnels. The tunnels is an underground food court basically that people go to so they don't have to walk around outside in the heat. Its really neat. I don't know exactly how big it is but it runs all over downtown Houston underground. You can access it from several different buildings and once you are down there its like a maze of tunnels with different restaurants, businesses, banks, doctors offices, etc... Its almost like an underground mall.
After we were done eating we decided to go see a movie. The theatre we went to didn't have a whole lot to choose from that was playing at the time we got there so we settled for 'Pandora' which was not very good, but thats okay; it was just nice to do it. It had been a year since we'd seen a movie in a theatre.
Sounds like you had a nice little outing the two of you! I love the fact that we get these little holidays off at the bank!!! Super nice to have a break once in a while. But so much for my day off -we cleaned the kitchen & laundry room cabinets...Hey at least I got to sleep in...
I have an award for you over at my place!!!
Aww.. thats so cute! Glad you two got some time alone. I think all parents need that to have a healthy and happy relationship! Great photos!
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